Friday, April 11, 2014

Strawberry Pickin' and Retiring from T-Ball.

I inadvertently left out rodeo pictures from the last post. I guess I forgot that I had some on my big camera. They're not great either, but they're memories.

On Thursday I got to go with James' class on a field trip to the strawberry patch. I LOVE being able to do this. We had a great time!

We had our third t-ball game last night. The other team was GOOD. They were slamming the ball. Good thing we don't keep score. James told me before the second game that he didn't really want to play anymore. I told him he is more than welcome to retire after the season but we aren't quitting in the middle of the year. We'll see where life takes him, but I'll be surprised if it has anything sports-related in it.

Finally, James worked on handwriting at school this week. He is NOT a fan of practicing writing. He thinks he should be able to do it perfectly and since he can't he just doesn't want to. Mrs. J. said this took him for-e-ver to complete because he was trying so hard. Reading and writing are on our list of goals for this summer. {I'll share those soon!}

We have a full weekend yet again! The boys have spring pictures tomorrow. Happy weekend!

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