Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We were out of town this past weekend and it totally wiped us off the radar in a good way. I haven't even thought about posting anything. But I'm worried the grandparents might rebel!

So, without further ado, the past two weeks in pictures:

Riding on the rocking horse one night before bed. We need to pause a moment to discuss how BIG he looks. Where did my baby go?

Labor Day at Aunt Sue's (to clarify, Eddie's Aunt Sue, not mine):

(Someone in our family has been bitten by the baby bug.)
(Someone else in our family has not.)
(The one who has gets to go to work every day.)

Last weekend at St. George Island:
(Most pictures were left off to protect my friendships.)

For the record, anytime I ask Eddie and Chuck to smile in a picture, this is what I get. I have a very similar one of Chuck with Cal.

We've been crazy busy lately! Fortunately we'll have this weekend to try to get our house (and our yard! good heavens, our yard!) looking a little better.

1 comment:

Amy said...

i laughed at your baby bug comment, because the exact same thing has happened to "the one who gets to go to work everyday" at our house, too! haha! :)
and the pics of james kicked back in the pool are just too cute! he does look so grown up.....i hate when that happens :( i feel like one day libbi just suddenly looked like a toddler - and i was wondering what happened to my little baby! :)