Sunday, April 29, 2018

Summer Goals!

About this time every year, we make a list of summer goals! Sometimes we knock out a LOT of them, sometimes not so many. Last year we were pretty low on meeting our goals because #workingmom. This summer is going to be EPIC, though. We have planned to pack a LOT into a little time. Our June is pretty much COMPLETELY full already. And not full like you are miserable, but full of things that are going to be SO. MUCH. FUN. There are 18 days between me and the end of my first year as the director of our preschool. I think I've aged 10 years this year. I need some time OFF and I'm taking it. I'm sharing here so that you can make some epic goals for your family, too! 

If you're interested, you can see our previous years by clicking on the links below!

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