Saturday, April 29, 2017

Summer 2017 List!

It's almost summer!!! Can you taste it? I'm going to be a part-time-working mama this summer {with a baby-sitter and everything!}, but we're planning some BIG fun at our house this year. This is our last summer before "real" school starts for Will, and we are going to make the most of it! The boys are already signed up for tennis camp, VBS, and we have TWO trips planned already. I can't wait to share all of our fun with you here and on Instagram. I hope you'll follow along. And if you make your OWN summer lists, I would LOVE to see them! Every year when I make these I Google and look on Pinterest for really awesome ideas so I'd love to see yours, too!

We complete ours from May 1st to September 1st to give ourselves a little more time {and since it's so darn hot half the year, I figure summer is longer than what the calendar says!}

See our older lists:

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