The week before Thanksgiving, James and I went to Cacky's to help her make dressing. We had fun! It is a CHORE to make, though! It was nice to have three people working on it!
Will loves holding the babies in my room at preschool.
We had Turkey Day festivities at school...
Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, Mom and I went to Jacksonville to do some shopping and we spent the night at the condo. We drove through St. Augustine on our way in and saw the lights. Beautiful! We took a trip to the Alligator Farm on Tuesday. We left the condo to head home at 4:15pm and didn't arrive home until after 11:30. WHOA. Standstill traffic was TERR-I-BLE.
We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday with Grandmama, Granddaddy, Kelly, and David at lunch and Cacky, Anna, Lance, Merritt, Kayla, John, Nana, and Jake at supper. It was ALL delicious. Yum. Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday, but I've learned to love the food more than I used to!
{That picture of my baby above makes my heart drop! Ahhhh! I promise that we are working hard on gun safety discussions at home. We have a friend who lost her nephew in a tragic accident last year and I talk to the boys OFTEN about gun safety.}
{That is Merritt with Will's toy. He lost his mind about this. He loves her, but he wants her to have her own things...not his! LOL!}
And then on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today...Christmas came! I decorated the house and George and Clark (our elf and reindeer) returned! It was a fun time!
We had a great holiday and I was sad to see it go on Sunday night. :( But just a few weeks and it's CHRISTMAS!!! Yippee!!!
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