Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Willow House Giveaway!

It's been a while since I've done a giveaway and so I thought I'd do something just in time for Easter. I'm going to be giving away HOSTESS BENEFITS! All you have to do is place an order with me (not the website!) for at least $25. For every $25 you spend (not including tax and shipping) I'll enter your name into the drawing. I'll draw a name on Friday, April 22nd and contact the winner as soon as I can. If you've already placed an order with me in March I've included your name in the drawing already, but contact me just to be sure if you would like to know! Currently, the hostess benefits on this giveaway are one half-price item and $25.95 in FREE products. Our most expensive product is $169.96 (the Villa Stoneware Collection - four dinner plates, four salad plates, four bowls). If you won you could get it for $85! This is how I buy my BIG items that I have in my house. Wouldn't that be fun to win? Let me know if you'd like to place an order so that you'll qualify!

I'll leave you with my favorite things from this week's deals:

Petite Arrange-It-Easy Vase - $4.96
Above:  Gallery Tray - $17.96.

 Above: Strawberry Daiquiri Mix - $1.96/each

Ciabatta Bread Mix - $1.96/each

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