Saturday, December 31, 2011

Farewell, 2011!

Last night we were watching television and a recap of 2011, the E! version, came on tv. Eddie, who was already in a pretty grumpy mood since I made him stay up until MIDNIGHT to help me nest, looked at me and said, "I am so SICK of seeing stupid 2011 recaps! It is ridiculous. Why do we need to see this? WE WERE THERE!" Ha! I looked at him, tried not to laugh, and said, "So I shouldn't recap on my blog? Because I was thinking of doing that?" I'll let you just guess what his answer was. HOWEVER, I'll be recapping despite his curmudgeon just won't be on the last day of the year.

I am in the midst of a nesting frenzy. FRENZY, my friends. I am hoping that the norm for me (it looks worse before it looks better) holds true for me because the current state of things is mass chaos. We have a few friends coming over to ring in the New Year with us (James' girlfriend, Anne Margaret and her mama and daddy) and if they weren't such good friends I would be horribly embarrassed to let them in the front door. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have her sign a waiver saying that any pictures of my house that wind up on her blog better go through some major editing to get rid of all the nastiness. We're also having a visit from Papa and YaYa tomorrow and that applies to them as well. Not the blogging and picture taking, but certainly they're not even allowed to THINK about how messy my house is.

If ever you are able to PLAN when you have a child, do not try to have that child in the months of November-February. Just from experience, it totally changes how much fun it is to decorate for Christmas because they whole time you'll be saying to yourself "I'll be THIRTY-FOUR weeks pregnant when I'm picking all of this up! Grr!" I mean, that's just what I've heard. I'm totally pleasant to be around and not at ALL grumpy right now. :) Just call me Susie Sunshine!

I skipped out on blogging yesterday because I wound up having to have an emergency trip to the doctor's office. Baby Brother doesn't seem to be trying to escape just yet, but he is wreaking havoc on my body. In the middle of the night Wednesday night my heart began to race and I couldn't breathe. I laid in bed for two hours trying to decide whether to wake Eddie up or not so that we could make a quick trip to the women's center. I decided not to and I finally fell asleep sometime after 2:30. I called and got an appointment to see the doctor (who apparently no longer works at my obgyn...I have seen hide nor hair of a doctor in WEEKS) and we went yesterday just to be checked out quickly. She (the midwife) ordered an EKG at the hospital. We're hoping that what happened is that Baby Brother got snuggled up on my vagus nerve, thus resulting in a "fight or flight" stimulation for my body. We do, however, want to rule out an underlying cardiac issue. I'm sure that my normal reaction to scary situations (read: PANIC) didn't help anything when it occured. All seems to be well, though! Don't worry!

Alright, all this was to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! We'll see you in 2012! I'll recap (just for Eddie - in case he doesn't remember what happened!) on Tuesday of next week. Look for an update on my pregnant body and Baby Brother on Thursday after our doctor's (ha! midwife's!) appointment. Hopefully he'll stay warm and cozy over the next few weeks...but off of that nerve. Okay, I must get back to the CLEANING! and ORGANIZING! of EVERY! NOOK! CRANNY! and CABINET or DRAWER! IN! MY! HOME!

We're praying for blessings in your home in the coming year!

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