Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A note about the pictures above and below. When Mary Beth stopped by on Sunday she brought James a gift. She'd picked up some sippy cups and some teething things. One of the things was this teether that has a net on one end of it. If you read Kelly Stamps' blog, you've seen Harper with one of these. I made the HUGE error of putting blueberries in it yesterday morning. He LOVED it - which is saying a lot since he doesn't really love anything but breastmilk. Fortunately, he was wearing jammies that Eddie bought at *gasp* Goodwill for $1. Ha! I don't mind throwing those away at all. (I'll try washing them first!) (If you know me you'll know that my germ-a-phobe self cannot stand this and that his daddy obviously got him ready for bed the night before!) I also put frozen melon and grapes in one last night and he loved it as well. A little sticky but not nearly as messy. Blueberries will become a nekkid treat! Ha!

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