Tuesday, May 5, 2009

16 Week Update...

We went to our 16 week appointment today and saw Dr. Wright again. I really, really like her a lot! We haven't seen the men in the practice yet and I am A-OK with that because I've heard their bedside manner leaves something to be desired. Anyway...

I've gained a little weight (I think about 3 pounds) now that I have my appetite back. It has been in full-force the past three days. I need to get it under control! She didn't tell me what my blood pressure was.

We listened to the baby's heartbeat and it was 156 bpm. The normal range is anywhere from 120-160. Supposedly the higher the heartbeat, chances are you're having a girl. Eddie pointed out, however, when I'd cleaned out my car this evening that I'd visited Starbucks about 15 minutes before the visit. I know, I know it's SO bad but I was SO hoping for "the" ultrasound today and I wanted baby to be prepared for it. It's been my one and only Starbucks visit the whole time.

Dr. Wright measured my uterus today and I *think* she said it measured 14 cm. Whatever it was it was right on target with where it should be. Eddie is completely interested in everything going on and thought it was neat that you could feel it under my belly button. I forget that he hasn't been reading the baby books with me. I've been blessed that he's been so into everything that's going on!

While I was in the bathroom, Eddie said that Dr. Wright discussed my blood type and our Rh issues with him. I'm O+ (I didn't know...shame on me!) and he is O- so we are just fine as far as Rh factor. No problems at all!

Our next visit is June 3 at 9:30 AM. Dr. Wright called it the "fun" visit. We'll be with the ultrasound tech the entire time and will find out then whether Baby Fresh is a boy or a girl. I'm VERY excited and anxious to know! We get to bring a video tape (Huh? A video tape? Do they still make those?) to record the ultrasound. Woohoo! I can't wait!


Melissa said...

congrats Lauren! Sounds like everything is going well! I think Luke had a high heartbeat for a long time-another reason why I thought he was a girl. You'll be finding out very soon though, right?

Anonymous said...

So glad your appetite is back and it sounds like your feeling a lot better! I cant wait for you to find out if you are getting a 'him' or a 'her'!!!! Ready to buy the little bump something!!!