Sunday, November 6, 2022

Halloween 2022

 Y'all know that some of us around here LOVE Halloween. And while I felt like we didn't do it up exactly right this year, we still enjoyed some fun. October FLEW by. I can't even believe we are already in November! Christmas will be here before we know it! Whew!

I wound up getting the boys to coordinate costumes again this year (the trick is to sign up for a Trunk or Treat so that we can have a "family" costume). Will was still wholeheartedly for the whole thing, while James wasn't sure how he felt about the festivities this year. He was swayed by a super fun costume and we pulled the whole thing off! I'm not sure whether we'll participate again next year or not (Eddie is in the "or not" camp because it's not his favorite and I spend too much money to do it).

Halloween being ON a school day also created an interesting day. Poor teachers. Will wanted a costume that wasn't really a costume so he went with Elliot from E.T. James pulled out of his own closet and threw on a wig from a few years back and had a makeshift Napoleon Dynamite costume. (At this point we were post-Homecoming week AND Red Ribbon week and I was decidedly unenthusiastic about trying to find a middle school costume when I really wondered if I would be called to come and get him - he was pretty much on his own here!) He was less Napoleon and more Bob Ross in my opinion - but he went dressed and was happy!

Halloween night was NOT our best yet with exhaustion and high emotions from one kid and just some all around drama. A friend and I are considering paying our kids to stay home next year. LOL!!! Will and three buddies wound up doing a group theme again this year and if they want to dress up until college (and stay home and hand out candy), I will support that endeavor! It was very cute. Will trick or treated with his bunch of friends and Eddie and I went with them. James and a friend decided at the last possible minute in the swim team locker room to go trick or treating! We weren't sure it was going to happen again this year!

It won't be our most remembered or best costumed year, but it's another year of fun! They're growing up! I can't imagine we have many of these years left!!!

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