This is really, really hodgepodge and pieced together, but we've had a few weeks of summer so far and we're enjoying it!
Here's my Mother's Day picture in case you missed it. How'd I get so lucky?
Well, Mr. William graduated from Pre-K in a sweet little ceremony two weeks ago. I would recap it for you, but I had to speak at it so I was doing deep breathing exercises and trying not to have a heart attack and don't remember any of it. I have to speak at all of them from now until I retire, so I'd better get used to it. I may or may not be signing up for a public speaking class this summer. #drymouth #heartpounding
Here's my Mother's Day picture in case you missed it. How'd I get so lucky?
Well, Mr. William graduated from Pre-K in a sweet little ceremony two weeks ago. I would recap it for you, but I had to speak at it so I was doing deep breathing exercises and trying not to have a heart attack and don't remember any of it. I have to speak at all of them from now until I retire, so I'd better get used to it. I may or may not be signing up for a public speaking class this summer. #drymouth #heartpounding
Will also had his last day of school two Wednesdays ago! We are so happy that summer is here for us!
James got out last Thursday so he joined us in vacation-mode and we'll send Eddie off each morning since he doesn't get a break. Just kidding. We may not be awake when he leaves every day! Lol!
We have a babysitter coming two days a week this summer to occupy the boys while I have some office hours. She's come three times so far and the boys LOVED her. Hopefully, they'll have some fun this summer while I am busy.
Two weeks ago, Will and I went on our first-ever Mother/Son vacation together! James and I haven't ever done this, but let me tell you...he's already put in for his trip. I bet you'll never guess where we went!? Where else???
'Twas the hottest I've EVER been at Disney World EVER.
It rained on us ALMOST the whole time we were at Animal Kingdom on Day 2. It made things interesting, but it wasn't too terrible.
I will say that I was VERY nervous about how going alone would go down. The only times I ran into problems were when we were eating and using the bathroom. When eating, I had a tray and a stroller. I made Will get out and push the stroller while I carried our food, but finding a table while doing those things was rough. When we went to the bathroom, most of the time we went in together and I told him where to meet me when we were finished (right at the mirror before going out the door), BUT a few times I had the stroller and needed to wait outside on him. I sent him in and he used the bathroom while I waited. And ONCE I left him in the stroller right outside the bathroom door while I ran in. That was tricky, but overall we felt very safe. I was more worried about him wandering than getting snatched. We lucked out with our hotel room. It was SUPER close to the parking lot. I packed one rolling suitcase for both of us, a bathroom bag, a bag with shoes (we each only wore one pair, but I had an extra pair for each of us and a pair of flip flops for me), a cooler, and Will had a backpack full of stuffed animals. I put one bag on top of the rolling suitcase and he rolled that and wore his backpack. I wore my backpack and carried the bathroom bag, shoe bag, and cooler. I'll recap our whole trip at some point. (Also: Please note the number of good photos from Photo Pass. BUY IT. I have people ask all the time if it's worth it. YES. We stop at every photographer we see {Eddie is a pro at scoping them out!} and get pictures made. I take a minimal number of pictures on my phone and then I'm able to enjoy our trip!)
James' last week of school was fun. He will miss his teacher and his class, I know. He had a drumming program the last two weeks of school through his music class. Grandmama took him to the family drumming night since Eddie and I couldn't go. James had a lot of fun!
James is taking at least two weeks of tennis this summer. (He's signed up for two but I will add more if he wants them.)
James' last week of school was fun. He will miss his teacher and his class, I know. He had a drumming program the last two weeks of school through his music class. Grandmama took him to the family drumming night since Eddie and I couldn't go. James had a lot of fun!
We went to Lake Oconee for Memorial Day weekend and had a great time. Thankfully, it didn't rain like I'd expected. The boys had a grand time.
Other random things:
Dentist appointments.
Cousin love.
James' team beat the #2 team in the league on the last game. There's a tournament left and then the season's over.
Duplo building.
Merritt being a pain. She was faking being asleep so I wouldn't hold her. #annoying
Reading! WOOT!
James is taking at least two weeks of tennis this summer. (He's signed up for two but I will add more if he wants them.)
(Our coaches are BIG proponents of reading so they read during water breaks. James volunteered first. #Shocker)
We're having a fun summer so far! Hope y'all are, too!
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