Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The First Few Weeks of Summer.

I thought that I had TONS of random pictures of the first few weeks of summer, but somehow I don't. I DO still have a handful of posts coming to catch-up, but today is just pictures that wouldn't fit in anywhere else. Our summer timeline has looked like this:

Lake Oconee
James' fishing and animal camp
a week of swimming lessons (culminating with the bug for 3/4 of us)
a week of VBS
a week at the beach
a weekend at Lake Blackshear
an overnight trip to Pine Mountain
back home for a few days for recovery (but James has had strep so that's been fun)

July looks mostly like that. Just lots of running around and traveling and doing VERY fun things. We've actually knocked a lot of the BIG things off of our bucket list, but not the small things because we haven't been home enough!

James had his camp the week of Memorial Day. He LOVED it. Came home grouchy every day (which I expect from Kindergarten the first few weeks), but he LOVED it. These pictures wound up on their website so photo credit goes to Kelly Scott, but I was SO happy to see some of them!

Feeling animal pelts and trying to determine what animal it is.

James is on the far left looking down. They were petting one of the mules here.

In the back on the rope pulling the bucket up.

Hay ride time! Right corner, checking out his name tag.

Fishing was his favorite, but he didn't catch anything. James is a MASTER fisherman and was irritated that others caught something when he did not. That was a big piece of humble pie, I think. He thinks he's the best at fishing. He definitely has more patience for it than anyone I've ever met! He is straight across the pond in the gray shirt and white hat.

Will asked about a Halloween costume recently that he had seen in a picture. He wore this when he was 8 months old and was the most precious, PRECIOUS dragon ever. James was a knight and they were beyond cute. Will even won a costume contest in this. He saw it in the garage the other day and needed to try it on.

And here he was in 2012.

James has taken a few AR tests so far this summer and I hope to take him back for a few more on Thursday. His personal goal is 100 points by the end of the summer, which is a bit lofty. He has 4.8 so far.

James has an invisibility cloak. Did you know? See that floating remote control? He's actually holding it, but you can't see him.

Sofa naps have been a large part of our summer when we've been home. I think we're nearing the end of nap time at our house. I made James nap this year because that made it easier to get WILL to nap, but he didn't really need it. Now when neither of them nap bedtime is SO. MUCH. EASIER. but it is hard to remind myself of that at 2pm when they're cranky and I want some QUIET.

John Michael is James' best friend and his Nemo swim party was so much fun! Most of these kids pictured here have parents that grew up together. Full circle!

This little one has enjoyed changing clothes 800 times a day this summer. I seem to remember James doing the same thing when he was three.

We've only gone to one TNT camp this summer, but it was a fabulous way to spend some money. The boys went and I FLEW home and did not sit down until they came back home. I got the entire house cleaned and myself showered so that we could head out to James' allergy appointment and then I could host book club that night. It was Pajama Day at camp and they loved it and had so much fun!

So there are the random tidbits so far! More adventures ahead! Can't wait to share!

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