Let's backtrack, shall we? There is so much to cover and I haven't had time to blog about a bit of it. I promise to get to Will's birthday party before the end of the week.
A few weeks ago we had "Occupation Day" at school. Will decided to be an astronaut and James was a Georgia football player. And we ALL know you're not SUPPOSED to make a job out of playing for the Bulldogs, but sometimes things just go that way. Also, #pickingmybattles. I thought they were PRECIOUS.
We celebrated John's birthday on January 26th. Whew! This post is OLD.

We have had either REALLY cold days or REALLY nice days lately. One day I nearly froze watching the boys play.
Whew! That's it! I have a few more field trips to post about and Will's birthday party so look for those.
A few weeks ago we had "Occupation Day" at school. Will decided to be an astronaut and James was a Georgia football player. And we ALL know you're not SUPPOSED to make a job out of playing for the Bulldogs, but sometimes things just go that way. Also, #pickingmybattles. I thought they were PRECIOUS.
We went to Read & Play at the library one day a few weeks ago. We haven't been back, but we probably will. William is a handful anywhere, but especially in a place like this.
We celebrated John's birthday on January 26th. Whew! This post is OLD.
Will is scared of heights. Like SCARED of heights. John was trying to lift him up and he wrapped himself around John like a monkey.
My Grandmommie sent me a new secretary for our den. I LOVE it. I will probably move it over a bit and it needs some books and frames in it, but I'm loving it.
Will had to stay home "sick" one day. A cake pop at Starbucks and a visit to Eddie's office? Clearly, he felt terrible.
James was the helper for the EMT's when they visited school a few weeks ago.
We went to a pizza place recently for a field trip. {Four year olds go on LOTS of field trips at our school.} We made pizzas and ate pizzas. It was fun!
I finally found some patio furniture for our screened porch. Walmart cheap-o for the win! We've looked at sets that were upwards of $1000 and I'm not willing to bite the bullet on that. So far, this is working out well.
I had a vendor show for Jamberry at a local store. It wasn't great for sales, but it was FUN while I was there. I'm so excited about the new catalog out. If you want one, let me know! I don't have a master list so even if you've gotten one before, let me know again!
Pajama Day was a few weeks ago at school and this little lovey was my only student. She didn't feel well {they ALL had RSV over two weeks}, so I snuggled her for the whole three hours. I wish I'd gotten a good picture of our jammies together because we matched!
We also went to a basketball game a few weekends ago. Someone {this little one below} wasn't interested, but his brother LOVED it. James wants to learn to dunk. HAHAHHAHAHA! That doesn't look promising, but I won't tell him that.
We saw The Cat in the Hat at our local theater. It was a cute show, but it was short and EXPENSIVE. Whew!
Superbowl Sunday!
Groundhog Day called for a few little treats! I'm no creative genius, but my boys loved these.

We have had either REALLY cold days or REALLY nice days lately. One day I nearly froze watching the boys play.
Someone got a cool bike for his birthday. He looks excited here, but he is SO MAD that he can't figure out how to pedal. He'll get it soon enough. James' training wheels are still on but they're about to get moved up so he's balancing more.
We have celebrated for a whole week! Birthday party last Saturday, party at school on Wednesday, and his real birthday is tomorrow!
Whew! That's it! I have a few more field trips to post about and Will's birthday party so look for those.
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