Dear James,
Another year! ANOTHER year! I cannot quite believe it. In some ways I feel like five years has been an eternity. And in other ways I feel like it has flown by. Either way, it hasn't been enough time. Have we done enough of the things we planned to do? Have we spent enough time with you? Have we told you we love you and kissed and hugged you enough? There's never enough time for all of it.
Your personality is something that is difficult to put into words. You are our sweet little old man. Mr. Serious some of the time, practical joker some of the time. You are so, so bright! You constantly keep us on our toes with your questions and the words that you say. We always look at each other and say, "How does he know that?!" We're preparing for kindergarten next year - we've visited the first of two schools in the past week - and we're definitely nervous about where to put you...we want to do what's best for YOU. You are super inquisitive and very much Mr. Independent, but you like to have someone do things with you. You want to do things YOUR way and in YOUR time, but with someone next to you for encouragement. You are a have Mama AND Daddy to blame for that trait. Welcome to the world of first born children, my friend. If you KNOW you cannot do something perfectly, you won't even attempt. Thankfully, they're working on handwriting with you at school because the two of us together wouldn't get it done without tears. Maybe from both of us. You are a sweet big brother but sometimes Will still drives you bonkers. Y'all have become SUCH big buddies since we moved you into the same bedroom, though. I'm praying that bond continues to grow big time.
Recently, you've grown a TON. This time last year you were wearing a 3T in jeans (they were, admittedly, WAY too small) and this year we're almost into a 5T (and WILL is in the 3T...). You've learned to SNAP in the past month and your fingers are going to be blistered for all the SNAPPING that goes on. You love to sing, sing, sing and choir is one of your favorite things all week long. You also love to play board games. You've gotten into superheroes and Ninja Turtles a LITTLE lately. Still not the obsession of other little boys your age. We pulled out our dress-up clothes after they'd been packed up for over a year and they have been the HIT parade lately. So has your swing set outside.
Mama and Daddy love you SO, so much and we're so proud of you. I can hardly believe you're FIVE!
Mama and Daddy love you SO, so much and we're so proud of you. I can hardly believe you're FIVE!
His 4 year old interview can be found HERE.
This year...
Your favorite things: Planes: Fire & Rescue, fishing, all the girls in his class (yikes...), choir, getting dressed up for church.
Funny things: Snapping! ALL THE SNAPPING! He is INTO football - especially the local high school's football team, Clemson (ick!), and Georgia (hallelujah!). He hasn't ever been interested until this year but he is all about the team names, the scores, etc. I asked him what he'd do if we go to a school that doesn't feed into the local high school (we have season tickets) and he said he wasn't interested in going there!!! Then we visited the other day and he saw paw prints in their parking lot and thought we'd gone to visit CLEMSON and he changed his tune. I quickly told him we weren't in South Carolina. We were just five minutes from home. Lol!
What is your favorite color? Orange.
What is your favorite toy? Remote control car. (He got three for his birthday!)
What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries.
What is your favorite TV show? Paw Patrol.
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Sandwiches.
What is your favorite shirt to wear? Planes Fire and Rescue shirt that I have.
What is your favorite snack? Goody mix. (Trail mix that they made at school.)
What is your favorite game? The huntin' game (on his iPad).
What is your favorite animal? Giraffe.
What is your favorite football team? (The local high school team.)
What is your favorite song? Jesus Loves the Little Children.
What is your favorite book? Curious George.
Who is your best friend? Ricky. (SHOCK!)
What is your favorite movie? Charlie Brown. (It's on right now.)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play on the swing set.
What is your favorite holiday? Saturday. No. Halloween. (He said The Saturday of Christmas last year. LOL!)
What is your favorite drink? Lemonade.
What do you take to bed with you at night? My big wubbie.
What is Mama's job? To take care of me and Will.
What is your favorite breakfast food? Breakfast sandwich. (LIES!)
What is Daddy's job? To work at his office.
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Will said cake so James said cupcakes.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer.
1 comment:
Happy birthday to my favorite 5 year old!!!!
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