I talked my mama into going to the Christmas Tree Farm in town to cut down a tree for her house this year. We have an artificial tree {they're clean, easy, and Mr. Asthma isn't allergic to them} but Mama always gets a real tree. She probably isn't thrilled with me because we are Frasier Fir lovers in our family and you can't cut those here. She normally just goes to a pre-cut Christmas Tree lot and picks one. But this was all about the experience...for us. Eddie did the cutting, hauling, and standing for her and I did her lights so I feel like she got a good deal. :)
The little boys were thrilled to be there and I was at Level 10 on the Anxiety Scale...is it too big around? Too tall? Too gappy? Too...too...too? I seriously was doing deep breathing while we were there. It turned out fine, but it's a lot of pressure picking someone else's tree.
We had lots of fun!
{Mr. Flirt found a puppy and a lady to talk to. Of course.}
Wow! I had never seen a Christmas tree farm. I'm from Miami, it's all pre-cut from Home Depot around here!
Love the pic of james in the truck…hahaha…STUD
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