Monday, April 22, 2013

Reunited and It Feels So Good!

A FABULOUS weekend! After last week and feeling mopey, it was just what I needed!

We stayed in on Friday night and got a few things done around the house and I made Key Lime Pies for Dinner Club on Saturday. Nothing exciting at all.

Saturday morning we got up and got ready for a visit from Papa and YaYa. The boys were THRILLED to see them and spent some time being wild little indians while we visited. James had a t-ball game after lunch so we had Mexican and then headed to the ball field! Our morning felt a little rushed for visiting, but that's the name of the game these days.

James and I made a deal earlier in the week that he was not going to throw his bat OR lay on the ground this week at t-ball. I'll let the picture below show which of us won on that deal. (Hint: James did not get his milkshake from CFA after the game.) Whew! This boy is trouble with a capital T. He has already put in to play soccer in the fall but we'll be thinking hard about that before he's allowed to sign up. Any thoughts on that? Is soccer better for little ones because they're constantly moving? He has a little lazy in him and I'm not sure what the answer is.

T-ball will wear a boy out.

Saturday afternoon we headed down to Tifton. We had not gotten together with our best buds since CHRISTMAS. I'm certain they all get together more often than we're able to join them, but it had been too long for us. There are five couples and one was unable to join us but the rest of us carried on and had a GREAT time. Oh my goodness, I was so glad to see them. I took not one picture but I did mention on our way out that at SOME point we HAVE to have a group picture because we don't have a single one in about seven years of gathering. (The story behind Dinner Club is that Eddie and several of the others have known each other since birth. Seriously. Eddie and Chuck were born days apart and have really known each other that long. Chuck's wife is Lori and she is one of my very favorite people. Amy is another one of the life-long-friends as she, Eddie, and Chuck went to preschool together. Her husband, Jelks, is also from Tifton and they've known him forever, too. Cal and MaraDare are from Tifton as well and grew up in the church with Amy, Eddie, and Chuck. And then Keith and Shelley joined after I taught school with her and invited them along. They fit right in.)

Sunday morning we had a lazy day. Since we'd gotten in late we let the boys sleep (James didn't, Will did) and lazed around here a bit. We got a long walk in first thing and then played in the backyard before lunch and naps. After the boys got up I sent them off for groceries with Eddie and we had dinner, baths, and bed! Didn't do much at all!

Wet bottom from a leaky cup, not an accident. Check out those Mickey ears on that hat.

Okay, I need some advice from those of you who have made it this far. What do you do about a child that bites? Will bites James CONSTANTLY and I have no idea what to do about it. When it happens we make sure we're saying NO! and I've even gone so far as to pop his hand (especially for pinching) but he thinks it is hilarious and continues. Is there an answer? Keep him away from other kids until this season passes? HAHAHA. Poor James. I took them on a bike ride last week and there was screaming and crying from the trailer because Will bit the you-know-what out of James' back. It bruised and everything. What do I do???

Y'all have a fun week! I'm busy cleaning out and throwing away this week. Holy moly at the clutter in our house. It is out. of. control. I'm hosting a Stella&Dot party on Friday night so I've got to be done before then. (By the way, if you'd like to shop to support Autism Awareness go to and shop through my trunk show!)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is going to sound really bad, but I'd bite him back. Both of my boys bit me one time and didn't bite another soul once they saw how much it hurt. I didn't draw blood or anything, but it left teeth marks. BTW- this is the same advice our church SS class gave to some newer parents recently.. About 6 couples all spoke up at the same time with the same advice. Not fun for anyone, but it works.