Well...there is a LOT to say about our busy week! I don't have TONS of pictures, but I'll share what I have. I do have several from before Thanksgiving to share as well. James had a great time and was (for the most part) a well-behaved boy while we were out of town. (Upon returning, however, he's been slightly grumpy. I've had to remind him over and over that Santa doesn't bring toys to little boys who aren't sweet. I sort of thought I might lose my mind over a nap battle this afternoon.)
Monday, November 21:
James and I went to Tifton to deliver Willow House. It was a super quick trip (we were home before 5:30!) but we had fun while we were there!
First stop: Grandmama and Granddaddy's to drop off Scout. A friend of Granddaddy's made James this hat and he LOVES it. He calls it his "Go Dawgs hat!"
We stopped by to let James meet Miss Anna Cate for the first time. She's just over a month old and she's tiny but he makes her look big! He LOVED holding her in his "wap." He is very, very excited about a baby at our house.
When we got home James had a package in the mailbox from Mrs. Meredith! He liked his reindeer pillow, but he LOVED the candy cane she put in the package.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011:
I had a doctor's appointment (already blogged about it last week) and Cacky came up to stay with James while I was there. Afterwards, we had lunch at Olive Garden and went to Hobby Lobby. We enjoyed spending the day with Cacky!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011:
We planned to go to Atlanta tonight but delayed our plans and I'm SO glad that we did. It gave us one more night in our own beds and I was able to pack AND clean instead of just rushing around before Eddie got home from work. To occupy James, I put Santa's Surprise on TV. He LOVED it. This is a big, big tradition in our family. John had the VHS at Dad's house when we were little and he literally wore it out. I think it's really one of those cheap-o $5 movies you can pick up wherever, but it will be one we'll watch forever! (Excuse the mis-matched jammies at 4pm. I must've washed six loads of laundry Wednesday!)
Thursday, November 24, 2011:
We got up early Thursday morning to head to Atlanta. Of course, we mis-calculated our departure time by 35 minutes. We weren't able to leave until 9:35 and we arrived right around 11:30.
We had a snack lunch and then walked next door to see the "baby doats." (Translation: Baby goats.) This was the first of about 200 trips.
Anna, Lance, and John were also at Dad and Laura's (John lives there, he just isn't always home when we're there) and we played a little wiffle ball before it was time for the Smith family to arrive. Hilarious. I think I shocked everyone (myself included) by actually hitting most of the balls pitched to me. I was a little bit tickled about it. (I only wish it was on video so that my mother-in-law could see it...she'll never believe me!)

The Smith family arrived around 2 for lunch+dinner. Linner? We had a fun time visiting with them. We missed two this year and had a few extra non-family members come. I enjoyed talking and laughing with everyone and not chasing my child around. He was well taken care of, as you might imagine!
When we wrapped Thanksgiving "linner" up, YaYa took James for a walk/nap and the rest of us vegged in front of the tv for the remainder of the evening. The boys slept off and on for several hours while football played in the background. I think they enjoyed themselves!
James wanted everyone to wear an apron while we watched TV. Because we're suckers, we all did what he said. Poor Lance was given the girliest of all aprons.
James wanted everyone to wear an apron while we watched TV. Because we're suckers, we all did what he said. Poor Lance was given the girliest of all aprons.
All the boys (minus James) left the house at 6:30 to go to Dick's Sporting Goods for Black Friday shopping. The girls didn't get up when they left. That made me laugh a little bit. I usually have no desire to go shopping on Black Friday, but part of me wished I had once we got going! I LOVE the Black Friday deals online so I perused that a bit and actually did place a few orders for things when we got home.
While we're in Roswell, James always puts miles and miles on my old WonderHorse. He LOVES his "Yee-haw!"
While we're in Roswell, James always puts miles and miles on my old WonderHorse. He LOVES his "Yee-haw!"
Mid-morning, James got an early Christmas present because Dad couldn't stand it any longer!
Saturday, November 26, 2011:
We had breakfast and a late lunch at Dad and Laura's, watched the Georgia/Georgia Tech game and then loaded up to go home. We thought we might be safer leaving Saturday night than Sunday morning. The traffic was heavy but we still made it home in right around 2 hours. James was exhausted and didn't stir the entire way home, from the time we got on 400 to the time we got off 75. He was a teensy bit cranky when we arrived home, but it was nothing a Candy Cane Joe-Joe couldn't fix. :)
Sunday, November 27, 2011:
Let the cranky/rotten-ness begin! We went to church and Sunday School and then out with our lunch friends to Cracker Barrel. He was a bit on the wild side there but we thought maybe he was just tired. When we got home he wanted NOTHING to do with a nap and pitched an absolute fit. He fell asleep in the rocking chair with Eddie but woke up when he moved him to his bed and just fell apart. He wouldn't even let Eddie lay down with him. Eddie spent three hours in the rocker holding him while James took a nap. Obviously, not a hugely productive afternoon. I got about zero done until it was dark out. The boys put the topiaries on the front porch and I put the tree up.
Monday, November 28, 2011:
What a day! Cranky McCrankerson lives at my house today! When I give him my 100%, undivided attention he has been an absolute angel but the minute I turn my attention to something else (dishes, the Christmas tree, Willow House orders) he falls apart. We had a nap battle twice today (once he won, and once he sort of won) and there were numerous threats to call Poppy and Cacky and tell them they couldn't come for dinner tonight. They were able to come anyway and we enjoyed Mexican food with them before they continued their trip to Atlanta. He was a tired boy and had a bath and got in bed soon after they left. I am SO looking forward to preschool tomorrow and have my fingers crossed that nothing will prevent us from going!!!
Bless your heart! haha!
girl, you and me BOTH! i am soooooo looking forward to preschool tomorrow. we need a break in a bad way :)
i am exhausted just reading this!!
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