Monday, December 7, 2009

Couch to 5k

I've mentioned before that I think that breastfeeding is the best. diet. ever. Hands down. Easiest way to lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks and continue to maintain your weight while eating the equivalent of what NFL linebackers might also eat. doesn't do a whole lot for all of that weight that's been "displaced." So in an effort to de-jiggle my body, I started Couch to 5K tonight.

After a struggle to get the treadmill up and running in the garage (a Clark Griswold-type effort that including a small power failure where we lost the outside fridge and the topiaries for about 5 minutes), I was on my way. Tonight's workout required me to walk 5 minutes, then run 60 seconds/walk 90 seconds for 20 minutes, and cool down by walking another 5 minutes. Total time: 30 minutes. I was able to power through the whole thing, even if it was at a snail's pace!

I haven't run in well over a year (January would've been the last time I might've run, but it was probably more like July 2008 while I was trying to fit into a wedding dress and running every day) and I gave birth 7 weeks ago, so I'd say I did okay!

Total time: 30 minutes
Total distance: a measly 1.77 miles (I know, I's pitiful. That's why I'm announcing it. Hopefully I'll be embarrassed enough to push myself harder!)

My calendar (type-A personality here...) has me doing strength training and abs tomorrow and running/walking again on Wednesday. Here goes nothing!

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