James is signed up for t-ball this year. T-BALL. I was hoping it wouldn't be a huge deal (we live in a community where it is a HUGE deal), but seeing as he's already had private lessons he's decided it's a huge deal.

He told me Sunday morning that when you bat you point your belly button at the plate, turn your foot, and SWING! He practiced that for a few minutes before he was bored and wanted to play catch and then he was bored with all of it. He has inherited my easily-bored-turns-lazy gene, obviously. After a few minutes he was DONE. But we were okay with that. Remember, t-ball isn't a huge deal.
He has his shiny new cleats (thanks, Grandmama!), he's had his first lesson with Nancy (and has requested another!), he has a new bat, a tee, and a bucket of balls. He's had his glove since he was about two months old. Y'all, this is serious business.
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