Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Not Much...

So far our week has been pretty good. Somewhat calm. I've had a baby with what my friend Miranda described in a post today as "Don'tputmedown Disease." I love that. Not sure if Will is teething or what, but as soon as I get out of his field of vision he loses. his. mind.

This too shall pass and I'll miss it.

We've had two GREAT days of swimming lessons. Something has finally clicked for James and he's getting the whole flip and float thing that she does. I think we'll graduate after this week. Exciting!

Are you on Instagram? If you are, follow me - @lefresh. For you grandparents who have smartphones, if you download the Instagram app and follow me, you'll get cute pictures of your grandchildren all the time. Like these: 

More often than not the pictures make the blog. But if you'd rather see the pictures and skip all of the words, there you go!

We had a fun (quick) playdate with Mrs. Lauren and Anne Margaret. We waited on AM's lesson this morning and watched her swim and then they came by for a Popsicle before everyone had a meltdown. Noon is the new witching hour 'round these parts. Everyone is ex.haus.ted by then.

Hope you're all having a great Tuesday!

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