Friday, February 25, 2011

Project 365...

I'm going to be 100% honest with you here. I am burned out on blogging. For whatever reason I have it in my head that I need to have a post every day except Saturday...and that's just ridiculous. I've also noticed that posts with pictures are a lot more fun...but the pictures take a lot longer. So I'm going to have more pictures and fewer posts. Sitting down to blog is not quite as easy as it once was. James is busy. And I'm not sure how to explain just how busy he is. If you've met him, you know. Happy almost all the time but into everything!

That being said, I also failed on the pictures every day this past week AND uploaded them to the blog before I realized I hadn't collaged them or dated them. But this will have to do! That being said, here we go:

Friday, February 18, 2011:

Aunt Sassy and Cacky made a trip up last Friday afternoon so that we could finalize Anna's wedding colors. Her colors are not pink and pink. Or even blush and bashful. But I'm not telling what they are yet. Suffice it to say that one of the colors is my favorite wardrobe color at the moment. (No, not black, Eddie.) In the pictures above James knew they were coming and was watching out the window for them to arrive.

Saturday, February 19, 2011: 
Stop numero uno on our trip to Atlanta was Ballard's Backroom in Roswell. This is the piece that we found to go in the den to hold the cable box, BluRay, etc. We didn't buy it until Sunday but we took a picture so that we'd be able to compare if we found something we liked later. We didn't.

Sunday, February 20, 2011:

A bad picture of our purchases loaded in the car. Do you see why James couldn't make the trip with us? We'd have had to tie him to the roof!

Monday, February 21, 2011:

My little helper! He loves the broom and the vacuum! We were actually pretending that Eddie wasn't home when this was taken. I wish I had on video what happened while we were pretending, though. Eddie was in the office with the doors closed, working. James always asks for him when I get him up in the morning no matter what. (Makes a person feel great, huh?!?) We did our regular breakfast routine and Eddie coughed. James stopped what he was doing, eyes wide, and said "Daddy?" It was hilarious. You can't hide from that boy!

After Daddy finished working, we all went for a walk through the neighborhood. Glorious weather!

Later, we played outside. Please excuse Mr. Hershey's Kiss mouth. He asked for one as we were going outside and I offered him a bite. Somehow he wound up with the WHOLE thing in his mouth. Oh well...saved me those calories!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011:

After nap snacktime! Yummy goldfish!
(Yes, I'm aware the picture is ridiculously blurry. You'll be pleased to know that I've started one of two books I've purchased on taking better photos. I'm expecting Carrie Viohl to call and hire me any day now!)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011:

James and I went to Bible Study and then to Tifton for lunch with Lib and Georgia at Asahi. It was fun and delicious but I took no pictures. We also visited with Mrs. Shelley and Sam and Cacky and Poppy. Again, no pictures. Sorry! :(

Thursday, February 24, 2011:

No pictures this day either! We stayed home until Eddie got home from work. Then we went to Cracker Barrel, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, and Office Depot.

Maybe I'll be better this week!

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