Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Work, work, work

We've had a busy week. I know I say that in almost every post but this one, for whatever reason, is feeling packed full and LONG. And it's only Wednesday.

I'm enjoying having internet access during the week. We don't have internet access at the lake and I'm not allowed to check my home email at school (and yes I've tried many, many's not the "non-rule-breaker" in me!) so normally I only check email and update on here during the weekend. HOWEVER, Eddie is out of town - he's gone and run off to Hilton Head for the rest of the week! Meanie! - so I'm driving to Tifton and spending some time here trying to pack up my house.

Things at the house are rolling right along. We got a handy man to come in and do several things around the house that the inspector noted on his list of things to be fixed when we had him come several weeks before we bought the house. One of the biggest things we're doing in the house is changing the kitchen QUITE a bit. If you've looked at the pictures (see below) you may have noticed that - besides the fact that it is quite ugly - the refrigerator is in a really odd location. The house is full of odd angles and there's one in the kitchen. The refrigerator obviously is deeper than most other kitchen appliances and because it sat at a weird angle, it looked like it was sticking out into the middle of the kitchen. So we're moving it. If you look down at the second posted picture you'll be able to make a little more sense of what I'm about to say. We're moving the stove to where the refrigerator currently sits. Then...and here's the tricky part...we're moving the cabinets on the end down to where the stove currently is and placing the refrigerator where those cabinets already are. Does that make sense? I hope so...Along with that we're also opening the kitchen up a little by cutting a window over the sink and into the den. I stopped by today to see that and it REALLY looks good.

Along with all of that we're also having the house painted this week. We had a painter from Tifton come up last night in order to start on the ceilings. He gave out of paint and we had 7 gallons! They're supposed to come back later in the week to finish that up. We've also gotten a quote to see how much they'll charge to paint the rest of the house...obviously, I'm hoping that's what we'll do so that my slave-driver husband doesn't work me to death this weekend. BUT I understand it's all about saving money! After they finish painting we'll start on the flooring. We're DEFINITELY pulling the carpet up in the master bedroom to replace it because it's pretty gross and we're pulling up the carpet in the dining room to put down the wood like you can see everywhere else in the house. We're considering replacing the carpet in the other bedrooms as well but we're not 100% sure what we're doing. And finally, we're putting tile down in the bathrooms, laundry room, and possibly the kitchen (we're debating b/t wood and tile in there). So in a few weeks the house should look completely different! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good call on the kitchen-the description made perfect sense. I can't wait to see the finished product!