Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Swapping Gifts...

I couldn't wait any longer. I had Eddie's gifts wrapped up when he got into town today. One had been at Mom's house and I knew the minute I brought it to my house that it was all over. I needed him to open it. We'd planned on waiting until Thursday night to have a "date night" and then open gifts together but it wasn't meant to be. After we got home from dinner with Keith (Happy 30th!), Shelley, Cal, and MaraDare I made him go and get my gift from his house so that we could exchange. Eddie got a Wii (and has been playing it for the past hour and a half), I got a Garmin GPS, and Eddie also got a journal that I've been keeping for him since we got engaged in January. SO fun!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Goodluck this weekend I know you will be beautiful